(ㅇㅅㅇ)/ hi

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Whaddup 2016?!

Hello bitches~ (Hell ya I just made a CL reference xD). ANYWAY, I know this blog has been pretty fail >____< Hence, we haven't updated it for the past 6 months but we have been pretty busy :P. Last semester was pretty rough for me with school and work and then there were boy problems... anyway this is blog is not about my personal life but k-pop so let me go back to that xD. A lot has actually happened since we last updated this blog... okay, more like one big thing happened... WE WENT TO OUR FIRST K-POP CONCERT BACK IN OCTOBER :D! WE SAW EPIK HIGH OMGGGGGGGG! Yeah, it was amazing :'). We shall make a separate post for that so please be on the look out :). Besides that, we've been pretty broke tbh... in other words, we haven't bought any k-pop albums since the last review >____<. I just ordered my BTS - Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt. 2 album on amazon today so another review should be coming in the next 2 weeks :). Yeah I know, I consider myself a BTS fan and BTS is my bias group but I am only buying their album now :\. It's just hard buying stuff for yourself when it's the holiday season ya know?! I also meant to buy Day6's album awhile ago but LOL I forgot about it after awhile and today I found out they are working on their next album already so I will probably wait on that xD. I probably could write another post about why I am a Day6 fan (*cough Jae and YoungK is bae cough*). I just texted my cousin just now to tell her that we are reviving this blog so hopefully she will help me or else it will be just me. I'm gonna try blog at least once or twice a month this year AND HOPEFULLY WE GET MORE PEOPLE READING UR BLOG :D. I am also going to try and revive my YouTube channel with some more k-pop vids and maybe some other stuff ^^. It's a new year and I'm trying to be more committed to blogging. So please bare with us and follow this blog, twitter, or my YouTube! I'll put my links down here :)

Follow our twitter: https://twitter.com/_yonghwaiting

Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/takekodesu

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